Steve Guynup
Virtual Journey
I care about innovation and breaking from realism.
I look to the novel & different - with an eye on usability.
History is also important, as my friends are early VR artists.
Works that taught me about design:
Glasbead - Brilliant Interaction around a Sphere & Lost Development Processes
Memory Plains Returning - Beyond my Own Work & Post Avatarialism
(influenced by Magic Classroom / Laundry Girl Poem)
La Fabrique 00/01/10/11 - Space / Depth without Realism & Rebellion against Scale
(influenced Isovista Gallery)
Virtual Guggenheim - Against the Physical & Hidden Potential
(influenced Isovista Gallery)
Works that taught me about art:
RMB City - Moving Experiences / Culture & Andy's Legacy
The Aleph Project - A Painter at Home in a Strange Land
Conversations with Angels - American Blinders
The Gods Play Pong - Godhood & the Human Body
My works:
Magic Classroom - Simple is NOT Acceptable (if it breaks reality)
(influenced Isovista Gallery)
The Virtual Crystal Cabinet - Film Editing & William Blake (COMING)
Laundry Girl - A Big Early Step, Lessons from The Palace, TW (COMING)
Light Paint Pig - Video Art made me go Duh & SPaZ (COMING)
References and History:
Habitat - 1986, Less Form, Curious Functions
The White Room - Keyword & Explorable VR Search and it follows Me
(relates to Magic Classroom & Isovista Gallery)
Damn Poets - TW's Media Assassins, SPaZ, Mr. Blake (COMING)
For twenty+ years I've been involved in new media and education. First as a production artist who grew into building multimillion dollar training software for companies like UPS, Weyerhauser, CSX Rail & Georgia Pacific. During the boom, I explored early mobile games and multi-player online games for a company in Helsinki, Finland. After the bust, I picked up a Masters from Georgia Tech and a Doctorate from the University of Baltimore. For past decade, I've been teaching game design online, working with artists, and exploring untouched aspects of 3D virtual design.
Selected Highlights:
1997 - Can You Play Change - w/Mildred Thompson, Lynn Linnemeier, Arts Festival of Atlanta.
1999 - Narrative Storytelling - Invited VR Panelist, w/Mark Pesce, Andy Best, VRML 99.
1999 - Avvy Award - Best Conceptual Advancement, Bruce Damer, Contact Consortium.
2000 - Teaspace - Invited VR Artist, Prothese Digitale, Opening Expo_I, fabric | ch.
Recent Efforts:
2010 - Art & Design Retrospective - Gallery Chair, 15th Web 3D Symposium (co SIGGRAPH)
2013 - Unwrapping Virtual Space, the Myth of Total Cinema - ACM Creativity & Cognition 2013
2013 - Narrative Without Fiction, the Design of Non-Game Virtual Spaces - DIGRA 2013
2014 - Isovista, Virtual Exhibition & Catalogue - Curating the Digital Workshop - ACM CHI 2014