Mission Statement:

We live in a world that is becoming more and more virtual. Yet inside the computer, in the domain of 3D virtual spaces, we seem unable to exploit the power of the computer and are shackled to the domains of simulations and video games. This site and those who join are driven to push the boundaries of reality and to re-imagine virtual spaces, worlds, and realities.


  • Provide opportunities to show virtual work and help students, recent graduates and young professionals develop their design skills in virtual media.
  • Create new innovative 3D virtual works in Data Visualization, Interaction Design, Education, Music and Social Interfaces through a blending of HCI/Usability and Digital Fine Art.
  • Record the rich history of virtual design, connecting the broad academic disciplines that have explored the domain of 3D virtual space and design.
  • Connect educators, professionals, and students to support innovation, create opportunities, share examples, and break new conceptual ground.

Currently we are looking to fill the framework outlined by this website's pages. More and better organized links to theory, supportive groups, and tutorials are coming. The art database will be expanded, its categories and tags made more useful. Art is already in progress for the virtual gallery and presentations for academic classes are already happening. In the midterm, we will make the art database open to submissions (though still edited, categorized, and tagged by us). Becoming a 501(c)(3) charity is a goal as is creating a library and marketplace for 3D work and educational content. Becoming a self sustaining non-profit that supports independent innovators, students, and the community as a whole is our overarching goal.

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there's a long history to share :)